If you have been looking for a way to save some cash on your utility bill, installing a tankless water heater is a no brianer. Tankless water heaters, often referred to as demand or instantaneous heaters, eliminate the need to hold water in a traditional storage type tank. These heaters quickly and efficiently bring water up to temperatures of 110 degrees at a rate of 3 to 6 gallons a minute. This is a based on a 70-degree temperature gain. Our Euless plumbing contractors estimate that at a 40-degree gain the rate can be almost doubled.
There are two types of demand water heaters, electric and gas. Electric heaters run water over heating elements inside of the pipes. This method results in 3 to 4 gallons per minute of hot water. The closer to the faucet that a tankless water heater is placed, the hotter the water is when it comes out. Gas-fired tankless water heaters work more quickly than their electric counterparts. They offer 5 to 6 gallons of hot water per minute.
By installing a single tankless water heater, a Euless plumber can reduce your energy usage on water by 24%-34%. If you install instantaneous water heaters at every faucet, those savings can grow by another 27%-50%.
As a bonus, maintenance is easier on tankless water heaters because most parts are modular. Your Euless, TX plumber will be able to complete repairs and routine maintenance quickly and easily. The tankless system will also last about 10 years longer on average than a traditional storage system.